Tuesday, May 31, 2016


as you can see, the title of our blog is WE'RE A LITTLE BIT ECCENTRIC. we are lying we are truly insane. heheheehee.

preparing for mayr's bday

helloooo! long time no post. lmao

we are um.. preparing for mayr's bday yay! i hope she likes our gift!

uhhh.. we are still alive! how about you?

we are gonna go to her house or go to the beach or hills anywhere! we cannot choose and we don't have transportation. help us! pls call 0909123493598 thank you!

we are very happy to post again even this blog is on life support. please call ate ida to help us gain fame. we love you ate! adopt us. btw, where did you find your theme? it's so cool we love it!

reneedg help us we want to be rich and famous bc we are tired of school. pls help us book a ticket away from here. if possible, bring us to metro manila. love you.

bea marinx, a friend of ida pls help us we love you. you are pretty so help us

online shops pls give us clothes pls we're begging ya'll we have only one pair of pants and two shirts and nana only wear her pajamas help us we are lonely and ugly and poor and we do not have any money

this is so sad. are you crying? bc we are crying right now.

this is not a joke we are serious.

school is almost near OMG *dying* pls tell our moms that we love them.

we are listening to zayn right now. he is in the room with us. he's presence is amazing omg
pota ang gwapo niya

mayr if you are reading it's too late by drake

drake is so cool especially when he used to call us in our cellphones

if you love us give some money to travel the world yeah rock n roll

guys we are high

just kidding hahahaahahahahhaahahahha

we want to be bloggers ohhh~

guys you should watch descendants of the sun it's so pretty like omg like us help us

we do not know how to apply make up on our face huhuhuhu

ate ida how are you? remember the time when we went shopping? it was so fun. we miss you

kistler is having an affair with the tindero omg summer fling

rihanna is a goddess

we want be half bloods, half human half god
alpha is the daughter of hephaestus
nana is a hunter of artemis
kistler is a daughter of aphrodite
mayr is the daughter of athena

monsters are chasing us right now. literally chasing us. help

kendall and kylie jenner give us clothes and let us sleeep in your house in exchange we will feed your dogs bc we love dogs

kistler is singing right now omg

kris jenner give us money

we want new clothes pls

school starts this coming monday and it is making us sad. whyyyy

amanda steele you go girl!

maddi bragg we love youuuuu!

goodbye it was nice talking to you all we love you stay safe. we are so ugly sigh


eyyyyy!! wh@t$ up??

Friday, July 17, 2015


Music is a big thing that happened to us as a four-piece. We literally live and breath music. We got to live with the struggles of downloading songs illegally from websites and listen to their crappy qualities because we can't afford to buy it on iTunes (damn you, iTunes). But hey, it's all about the song and the lyrics, right?

As a tribute for our love for music, we're posting our first ever Playlist of the Month starting with July! Just click on the link below and will direct to the playlist. Happy Jamming!

                                               MONTHLY JAMS: JULY

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Movies and Wandering Around

We might as well start posting our first ever expedition post. So here we go.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Our story

Hello. We took up the courage to create this blog and see our world through our eyes. 

Soon xx.